European Courses in Advanced Statistics - Courses
The Eleventh Course in the ECAS Programme:
Structural Equation Models |
Aussois, France |
September 24 - 28, 2007 |
Organized by: Laboratoire de Statistiques et Analyse des Données (LabSAD)
Location: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme-ALpes (MSH-Alpes) Grenoble, France
Contact: Gérard d'Aubigny
by Phone : (33) 4 76 82 54 16
by Fax : (33) 4 76 82 56 65
The ECAS 2007 session will give a general overview of the theoretical aspects of SEM, in the case of normaly distributed variables as well as categorical and ordinal cases.
Most recent developments will be considered too. The PLS approach will receive attention, for models integrating formative as well as reflective constructs.
Scope of the course:
In this context and in straight continuation of the fruitful previous courses on Multivariate Analysis (Italy), Robustness (Germany), Design of Experiments (France), Categorical data Analysis (Holland), and Longitudinal Data Analysis (UK), Time Series Analysis (Spain), Environmental Statistics (Sweden), Bayesian Statistics and Financial Econometrics (Switzerland), Data Mining and Explorative Multivariate Data Analysis (Italy), Regression quantiles and applications (Belgium), it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate to the success of the 2007 edition, which will take place in Grenoble (France), September 24th to 28th, 2007
The participants are expected to have a good background in statistics at the Ph.D. level although not necessarily oriented to the subject of the course. Young researchers especially from all European countries are encouraged to participate and to contribute to an international audience.
The audience of this ECAS Session are PhD students, substantive researchers, and methodologists in Marketing, in the economics, the social and the behavioral sciences, as well as statisticians with interests in structural equation modeling. It is assumed that the participants benefit of a good background in statistics up to and including multivariate analysis, have been exposed to matrix algebra, and own a WIFI compatible laptop. No previous acquaintance with one of the currently available software packages in Structural Equation Modeling is required. Participants will learn modeling real data.
Information Address:
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