European Courses in Advanced Statistics - Courses

The Fourth Course in the ECAS Programme:

Analysis of Categorical Data
September 20-24, 1993

Scientific Programme Committee:
J.C. Gower (Leiden), Chair
D. Edwards (Maeloev)
A. Giovagnoli (Perugia)
W.J. Heiser (Leiden)
W. Krazanowski (Exeter)
W. Lebart (Paris)
W. Molenaar (Groninger)

Organising Committee:
W.J. Heiser (Leiden), Chair
I.A. Van Der Lans (Leiden), Secretary
J.J. Droesbeke (Bruxelles)
S. Heiler (Konstanz)
J.J Meulman (Leiden)
D. Peña (Madrid)
G. Saporta (Paris)
S. Verdel (Leiden)

Scope of the course:
Categorical data arise in many different situations, and in a great variety of scientific fields. They may appear as counts in contingency tables, or in the form of a matrix of cases by attributes. The course covers recently developed methods, for both exploratory and confirmatory modes of analysis. Exploration is often guided by dimension reduction and visual display of relationships among variables and their categories, by grouping of observation units, and data transformation. Methods for confirmation can be considering models in which the concept of conditional independence -that applies to manifest and latent variables alike- plays a crucial role.


Erling B. Andersen
David Hand
Willem J. Heiser
Rolf Langeheine
Jaqueline J. Meulman
Gilbert Saporta
Joe Whittaker

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