Topics in Statistical Inference, FDNSS Intensive Course, Lammi (Finland), May, 27–31, 2024
27th May 2024Random forests: basics, extensions and applications.
May 27-23, 2024 – Lammi Biological Station, LammiThe Finnish Statistical Society and the Finnish Society of Biostatistics arrange in co-operation with FDNSS (Finnish Doctoral Education Network in Stochastics and Statistics) an up-to-date course "Topics in Statistical Inference". The lecturer is professor Ryan Martin (North Carolina State University). Ryan Martin’s research focuses on the foundations and theory of statistical inference, modeling, and reasoning under uncertainty. In this week-long intensive course, Professor Martin dives deep into the theory of statistical inference, comparing the frequentist and Bayesian paradigms, and even offering an alternative perspective. The presentation will follow the textbook Professor Martin is writing, and participants in the course will receive a (digital) working copy. The course is aimed at MSc and PhD students in statistics, data science, and related disciplines. Intermediate-level command of statistical inference is recommended as a prerequisite.
More information on this webpage