European Courses in Advanced Statistics - Courses

The Twelfth Course in the ECAS Programme:

Measurement Errors in Surveys
Arild, Sweeden
September 21 - 25, 2009

Organized by: Swedish Statistical Society, Department of Statistics, University of Stockholm

Location: RusthÄllargÄrden, Arild, Sweden

Contact: Eva Dahlquist-Prince (for practical matters)
                Daniel Thorburn (chair organisation committee)

Reliable measurement is essential in surveys. This course covers some important aspects of measurement: reducing measurement error through good design, both in traditional surveys and in web surveys, and analysing measurement error with latent class models and longitudinal models. The course will give you insight into both theoretical and practical issues. The target audience is primarily doctoral students, but the course will also be suitable for master students and people who work with surveys.

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